Best Self Planner

This “Best Self” journal has been a great tool for breaking down larger goals into smaller more achievable segments. It begins with a section where you list out elements of your main goal and explain its value to you. As a planner it spans 13 weeks, which the creators of the journal rightfully deem as a suitable time period for making actual progress towards most goals.

On each day the journal has space for breaking down your schedule by the hour. I find this quite useful for planning out the next day the night before, helping me maintain structure and make better use of my time. It also has space for daily goal setting and reflection. At the end of each week there is a section to check your execution of smaller tasks and progression towards the larger goal.

Overall I really like using this journal. I initially found it during college and it’s a great tool for students looking to improve their time management skills. I completed 2 full journals while in school and now plan to work through 4 more journals during this next year. Honestly, I don’t always use every section on each daily page and even purposefully leave some days unscheduled based on what I need to get done, but at minimum I use the daily planner to set smaller goals and the weekly reflection to check in on my progress and hold myself accountable.

A PDF sample of the Best Self journal is linked below.

PDF Best Self Journal

If you want to purchase your own journals or any of their other products you can do so on Amazon through the following link. Journals come in 2 colors: black and navy blue.